Apache, SSL recent updates
Mike Starke
Tue, 5 Nov 2002 12:02:00 -0500
On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 04:28:27PM -0000, Miles Beck wrote:
/_When doing apt-get to update apache and ssl because of some recently fixed
/_security issues will the present configurtaion files for apache be overwritten
/_when I upgrade and do the install?
/_Whats the best way to make sure your configuration of apache still works after
/_doing an update. Or is that not an issue?
There are plenty of folks out there that have more experience with this matter
than I, but here goes:
1. Backup everything before doing upgrades.
2. I have never had a problem with apt-get (well, maybe years ago)
toasting any config files for apache on me.
3. Did I mention to always backup before doing upgrades.