Redhat 8.0 Questions

David A. Sinck
Tue, 5 Nov 2002 05:46:21 -0700

\_ SMTP quoth Bill Jonas on 11/4/2002 22:00 as having spake thusly:
\_ On Mon, Nov 04, 2002 at 06:19:46PM -0700, Clayton Stapleton wrote:
\_ > Since LABEL=/ does not specify a partition I ran fdisk to find out with the
\_ > following result:
\_ The LABEL= notation refers to the string given to the -L option for
\_ mke2fs(8).  I believe they do this so that things might still work if
\_ you move disks around in the system.  (Not that I like it, but...)

It can be handy in emergency situations when one of your disks goes
bad or you need to play with partitioning.   The ones you don't mess
with mount automatically from their labels; the problem I had with
this was that I got crosswise on some of my label/partitioning and
swap decided it wouldn't come online....

I can see the intent, but I don't know that I would just rather have
the raw partition names in there.
