Redhat 8.0 Questions

Bill Jonas
Mon, 4 Nov 2002 22:00:52 -0500

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On Mon, Nov 04, 2002 at 06:19:46PM -0700, Clayton Stapleton wrote:
> Since LABEL=3D/ does not specify a partition I ran fdisk to find out with=
> following result:

The LABEL=3D notation refers to the string given to the -L option for
mke2fs(8).  I believe they do this so that things might still work if
you move disks around in the system.  (Not that I like it, but...)

> Can anyone tell me why fdisk does not work and what is "/ussrcsbin"?

Sounds like a hiccup in the locatedb(8).  The advice to use updatedb is
what I would try first.

You might try specifying the full path to fdisk, e.g. "/sbin/fdisk", in
that command line.

It sounds to me as though the possibility exists that the installation
is somewhat borked.  Out of curiosity, might the disk be old and
failing?  You might try running badblocks(8) on it.  (If you need a
path, it should be in /sbin.)

Bill Jonas    *    *
"They that can give up  essential  liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."        -- Benjamin Franklin

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