Q3 problem

Ted Gould plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
02 Nov 2002 09:15:50 -0700

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> It initially complained that it wanted libGL.so, which is nowhere to be
> found.  I made a link to libGL.so.1 and also tried libGL.so.1.2, either
> of which seem to appease it.

My impression was that when a linker links, it does so to the hard
version of the library (so libGL.so.1.2) instead of the base
(libGL.so).  There may be some sort of linking issue...  Typically the
base versions of the libraries only come with the *-devel packages.  I
don't know if that will fix anything, but it might be worth a try to
install those packages.

> Any suggestions on how to debug this?  The box doesn't have problems
> with any other apps that I've noticed.

The other thing you can try is just completely rebooting X.  Ideally
this should reinitialize the video card.  If you can SSH into your box
try this as root "init 3; init 5"  that will take you down to run level
3 (console mode) and then back to 5 (graphical login).  That should
force a restart of X.

Some ideas,  Good luck,

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