Re: Adding a third IDE drive in Linux
Sundar Narayanasamy
Sat, 4 May 2002 09:08:02 -0700 (MST)
I added the hard drive(40G IDE) to my home server(RedHat 7.1). The server
already had two(6G and Original 2.5G) IDEs on Bus 0 and CD ROM on bus 1, so
I added the new drive as a master on bus 1. The problem is system doesn't
seem to see the new hard drive.
"A man is only as big as the dreams he dares to live"
> Am 03. May, 2002 schwätzte sundar so:
>> I want to add a third IDE drive to my home server. It's a old Sony
>> PCV-70. Are there any good How-tos you could refer me to.
> ide bus 0 master is /dev/hda
> ide bus 0 slave is /dev/hdb
> ide bus 1 master is /dev/hdc
> ide bus 1 slave is /dev/hdd
> On normal x86 box bus 0 is primary ide and bus 1 is secondary ide.
> Normally your original hard drive should be hda. Your CD will be hdb if
> it's on the same cable as the primary hard drive or hdc if it's by
> itself on the secondary ide bus.
> If you have two items on an ide cable use the jumpers to set one to
> master and the other to slave. I think you might be able to set them
> both to select ( or something like that ) if they're new enough.
> Look at for HOWTOs. There are plenty. There should be
> one that covers ide hardware setup.
> ciao,
> der.hans
> --
> #
> # I've got a photographic memory,
> # but I'm lousy photographer. - der.hans
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