Linux for Christians
Voltage Spike
Mon, 10 Jun 2002 23:22:29 -0700
Hash: SHA1
On Monday 10 June 2002 22:43, Kurt Granroth wrote:
> What *this* site is is yet another Special Interests Group with links
> to software related to their interest. It's no different, really,
> than an animal lover offering links to screensavers, wallpapers, pet
> interaction programs, and the like. Or any low-budget advocacy group
> sharing info on using Linux to advance the cause.
Don't worry. We'd laugh at the cat lovers as well. No harm
intended. ;-)
> I actually did something a *little* similar not that long ago with my
> own church in an attempt to get people to interact more online. I had
> some tutorials and the like written up on how to use Linux and ogg
> vorbis (and was getting into icecast) to allow church members spread
> around the country and the world to still stay in touch.
> Hmm.. although in my case, midway through my work, I was told by the
> Church Board that I was to cease and desist any and all work I was
> doing since the Internet was evil (no joke) and they thought people
> should spend less time online, not more. Ah well.
"Evil"? I think I hear the words of an individual with little
experience. They need to keep in mind that the first amendment doesn't
just apply to them.
In the case of spending more time offline, that is certainly a common
thread among society. However, if the religious leader of choice can
spend a couple of hours a day talking to people, then they should
respect my right to do the same.
Your project sounds like it is dying to be placed on the PLUG website,
though. :-)
- --
Voltage Spike
(. .)
- --ooO-(_)-Ooo--
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