Linux for Christians

Kurt Granroth
Mon, 10 Jun 2002 22:43:35 -0700

On Monday 10 June 2002 08:01 pm, Greg Furmanek wrote:
> You right I should probably get some of  heathens like myslef and creat
> our own distro.
> I wonder what should I name it?  and how many people will I piss of with
> this one.
> >>>Looking for something else on Google I stumbled on to The Linux for
> >>>Christians site! Here's what it says:

Y'know, for all the jokes that have been made about this, it appears to be a 
serious and useful (if that's what you are looking for) site.  I think too 
many people here are viewing this as another Jesux (which I thought then 
and still think now is/was a hoax).  Jesux was an over-the-top parody of 
the old "Unix for the Politically Correct" ("man" becomes "person", and so 
on) using Christian instead of PC.  What *this* site is is yet another 
Special Interests Group with links to software related to their interest.  
It's no different, really, than an animal lover offering links to 
screensavers, wallpapers, pet interaction programs, and the like.  Or any 
low-budget advocacy group sharing info on using Linux to advance the cause.

I actually did something a *little* similar not that long ago with my own 
church in an attempt to get people to interact more online.  I had some 
tutorials and the like written up on how to use Linux and ogg vorbis (and 
was getting into icecast) to allow church members spread around the country 
and the world to still stay in touch.  Hmm.. although in my case, midway 
through my work, I was told by the Church Board that I was to cease and 
desist any and all work I was doing since the Internet was evil (no joke) 
and they thought people should spend less time online, not more.  Ah well.

Okay, got a little sidetracked... :-)

My point is that while that site's content may not appeal to all people, 
it's far from a joke.  I just hope they have more luck than I had.
Kurt Granroth - "KDE -- Conquer Your Desktop"
KDE Developer/Evangelist |  |