IT Expo - PLUG Booth

Michelle Lowman
24 Jul 2002 11:52:36 -0700

I plan on being there Thursday morning and Friday morning (maybe all day
Friday -- we'll see). I can bring my Linux desktop to display while I'm
there. I can demonstrate Open Office, Evolution, the GIMP, etc.

On Wed, 2002-07-24 at 11:11, Jim wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Random thoughts . . . 
> It will be beneficial to have the banner and business cards available, but we 
> need more.  Remember the audience that will be there - business owners, both 
> small and large businesses, government representatives, from small school 
> districts to the State of Arizona, and a few Joe and Mary Sixpacks.  Remember 
> the competition - BIG businesses with marketing departments and fat wallets.  
> Will the PLUG banner and a few business cards with the PLUG web site address 
> compete for the attention of the audience against that kind of competition?
> Think of the audience.  They will probably react very positively to a 
> computer sitting there running Linux and Open Office.  Office apps are 
> something these people run on a daily basis.  So is email and web browsing 
> and maybe a spreadsheet.  We can show these potential customers that they can 
> not only do almost everything they do on a daily basis with Linux and Free 
> Software, but we can show them that they can even use Free Software on their 
> Windows boxes (at least for Office-type apps).
> Granted, the best things that we have to offer them is our knowledge and ourt 
> support.  Our knowledge is an unknown quantity to them.  They are not used to 
> dealing with people who know what they are talking about or who are willing 
> to share that knowledge to help them without first seeing a credit card (ever 
> called as MS help line).  Lets put the best face we have on.  We are the free 
> software community.
> One final thought.  Do not be overwhelmed.  We may be the most crowded booth 
> at the show if it is like the shows we have been at in the past.  We need to 
> be aware of the simple fact that there will be more of them than there will 
> be of us.  
> - -- 
> Jim
> Freedom is worth protecting
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