IT Expo - PLUG Booth

Wed, 24 Jul 2002 11:11:38 -0700

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Random thoughts . . . 

It will be beneficial to have the banner and business cards available, but we 
need more.  Remember the audience that will be there - business owners, both 
small and large businesses, government representatives, from small school 
districts to the State of Arizona, and a few Joe and Mary Sixpacks.  Remember 
the competition - BIG businesses with marketing departments and fat wallets.  
Will the PLUG banner and a few business cards with the PLUG web site address 
compete for the attention of the audience against that kind of competition?

Think of the audience.  They will probably react very positively to a 
computer sitting there running Linux and Open Office.  Office apps are 
something these people run on a daily basis.  So is email and web browsing 
and maybe a spreadsheet.  We can show these potential customers that they can 
not only do almost everything they do on a daily basis with Linux and Free 
Software, but we can show them that they can even use Free Software on their 
Windows boxes (at least for Office-type apps).

Granted, the best things that we have to offer them is our knowledge and ourt 
support.  Our knowledge is an unknown quantity to them.  They are not used to 
dealing with people who know what they are talking about or who are willing 
to share that knowledge to help them without first seeing a credit card (ever 
called as MS help line).  Lets put the best face we have on.  We are the free 
software community.

One final thought.  Do not be overwhelmed.  We may be the most crowded booth 
at the show if it is like the shows we have been at in the past.  We need to 
be aware of the simple fact that there will be more of them than there will 
be of us.  
- -- 

Freedom is worth protecting

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