PLUG @ IT Bus Expo?
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 22:14:59 -0700 (MST)
On Wed, 17 Jul 2002, Robert Bushman wrote:
> Here's the summarized thread to date. Looks to
> Jay Jacobson:
> If PLUG happens to NOT get a booth there, but you still want to
> distribute some fliers or other literature, Edgeos will have some
> spare table space that PLUG can occupuy. :)
After all that summarizing, you could have at least corrected my typo. :)
Seriously - great work. Just let me know if I can help out at all.
== Jay Jacobson
== Edgeos, Inc. - Security is Critical -
== We help you to easily get control of your network's security.
== ...or some hacker can just take control instead. You decide.