Maricopa County mtg report
Carl Parrish
10 Jul 2002 07:27:35 -0700
Sorry I couldn't make the meeting and I'm just getting up to speed now.
But so far I think the best way would actually be to come at them both
ways (though the adversarial group proably shouldn't be called plug). If
they begin to see plug ideas as a way to "calm down" the adversarial
group I think we'll see more action faster. After all Martin Luther
King's ideas seems a lot more reasonable once MalcomX's became a
Carl P.
On Tue, 2002-07-09 at 19:20, der.hans wrote:
> Am 09. Jul, 2002 schwätzte Craig White so:
> > Seems pretty clear that the only way to debar Microsoft / derail the
> > train that they are running is to stop them at procurement. This would
> > absolutely have to be adversarial.
> I don't think that has to be adversarial. In fact, I think that's a way to
> make sure it doesn't happen. They have to start debarment proceedings. We
> can't. We might have some sway to get the ag or politicoes to push for it,
> though. We need the AG's opinion. We need to talk to Romley and Napolitano.
> > I have dealt with governmental agencies before like this. They are warm
> > and welcoming but they have to be because they are working for us...the
> > citizens.
> Yup. It doesn't mean we should implicitly presume the worst, though.
> ciao,
> der.hans
> --
> #
> # "The reasons for my decision to quit were myriad, but central to the
> # decision ws the realization that there are two kinds of companies:
> # Good ones ask you to thnk for them.
> # The others tell you to think like them." -- Benjy Feen
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