County Meeting
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 01:13:47 -0700 (MST)
Am 09. Jul, 2002 schwätzte RJV so:
> If you can convince the government to convert to open standards, the rest
> will follow. Government is allowed to dictate on all levels what sorts of
The gov't has a need and obligation to work with open standards.
> policy and procedure are followed to do business with Government.
> Regardless of your standings on how big government should be, our
> government is currently big business. When our Government requires
> businesses to interact with them using MS products, the businesses will
> all choose MS products, as the Government is big and has big pockets. It
Yup, that's bias towards a vendor. It's similar to building roads around the
gov't buildings such that only Chevys can drive on them.
> is not worth the risk for most busniesses to lose Government money trying
> to switch to an open alternative, for fear of non-interoperativability.
Not only that, but businesses have to interact with the gov't, so they have
to use what the gov't dictates even if they don't want to actually sell to
the gov't.
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# We cause accidents. -- Nathaniel Borenstein