John (EBo) David
Thu, 04 Jul 2002 22:37:20 -0700
"der.hans" wrote:
> Am 04. Jul, 2002 schwätzte Tim Shapiro so:
> > Is there anyway we can throw a java applet Chat on the webpage or create
> We can, but they suck ( blatently my opinion ). If we're gonna have anything
> it needs to be a web interface to a mailing list ( still blatantly my
> opinion, in fact consider the rest of this email to blatantly be my opinion
> and not necessarily represent anybody else's viewpoint ).
mmm... I've been out working on my thesis for weeks and now just
starting to weed through the hundreds of emails in my backlog... Since
I am jumping on in the middle I may be totally out in left field, but
here is my two cents...
I vehemently oppose java enabled web interfaces to just about anything.
Oh sure it is nice to offload much of the processing from the server to
the users computer, but I still do not trust it... Sure I may trust you
guys, but I've had problems by turning java* on when I *had to*, then
forgetting that java and cookies were turned on went a-browsing... No,
I keep it turned off as a rule and do not do business with companies
which require it to be turned on (companies that give you a choice are
another matter).
EBo --