Question about security on a program........
Kimi A. Adams
Wed, 09 Jan 2002 07:11:30 -0700
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I have Debian loaded on my servers, but I will definitely check to see if
it's there. Thanks for the response.
Kimi Adams
At 1/8/02, you wrote:
>On Tue, Jan 08, 2002 at 09:35:27AM -0700, Kimi A. Adams wrote:
> > I have a potential customer requesting a program that I believe will
> > provide security issues. It's called YTalk, see the link below.
> >
> >
> >
> > I has lot's of information but since I am unfamiliar with this product, I
> > need to know from the group whether it's a potential problem for security
> > risks. This person says he dials in with an ISP dial up account,
> initiates
> > the Ytalk program from his shell account, then "rings" the other party,
> his
> > friend in Ukrain, and they are connected. I believe it's sorta like IRC,
> > which is not too much of a problem but I just won't light up "talk" on my
> > servers for obvious reasons.
> >
> > If there is a good way to protect against security risks, I would like to
> > know that as well. Again and always, I appreciate all comments and info I
> > can get from all of the group. Thanks.
>I used talk/ytalk a bit in college. It allows you to have a
>split-screen chat session in a terminal, either with people on your
>own machine or people on another machine running a talk daemon.
>Since he's initiating the session, the server his friend is on must be
>running a talkd server. This means that you would need to provide him
>only the ytalk client, not a running talkd server. The security
>issues involved in running the ytalk client should be roughly
>equivalent to those involved in running an irc client. (Actually,
>depending on the irc client, they would be somewhat less because ytalk
>does not have scripting functionality or file transfer capability.)
>By the way, Red Hat (version 6.2, at least) provides ytalk, so you may
>already have installed it with your distribution.
>See if your mail doesn't
>post to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail.
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