RPM help please

Carl Parrish plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Tue, 08 Jan 2002 09:56:44 -0700

Okay without saying "carl you should use apt-get" can someone help me 
with rpm? I'm trying to get gnucash installed its saying I need 
libguile.so.9 so I went to rpmfind and see that that's part of the 
guile-1.4 rpm. I did a rpm -q on guile and see that I have 
guile-1.3.4-16 installed so I do rpm -U guile-1.4<blahblahblah> and it 
comes back with a list of dependences that need guile-1.3 to run. It was 
my understanding that the -U switch was to Upgrade the package so that 
all the programs depending on the old packetage could still run. Up 
until this point the steps I've taken so far either worked or I just 
gave up and installed from source but I've decided now to really 
understand RPM any tricks I should try that I haven't? Any good 
"detailed" info on RPM? I'm looking for something with a bit more 
explanation than the man page.


Carl P.