hookup to cable modem was easy

Jonathan Claxton plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Sun, 18 Aug 2002 16:19:52 -0700 (MST)

On Sat, 17 Aug 2002, Craig S. wrote:

> All I can say is wow! I have never used DHCP before or tried to setup a
> *nix system with a DHCP connection. It was much easier than I expected,
> no wonder there are hardly any how-to's for specific connections. I
> dropped a netgear FA-310TX 10/100MB card into one of my PCI slots. Setup
> tulip drivers for kernel and setup the new image. Hooked up the cable
> modem, ran ifconfig and answered 3 questions: 

Welp, welcome to the VERY FAST lane!!!!! :)

> rebooted the system and bam.... I was online. I am a little concerned
> about security cause I guess I have a static IP now or at least the
> cable modem has a static IP. I set hosts.deny to not allow any outside
> connections (to ports?), outside of AIM, nntp, e-mail, www, and ftp I
> don't do much else. and with AIM I have a set list of people that I
> correspond with and that is it. Should I setup iptables for a little
> more insurance? I don't have anything really confidential or needing
> security, all my work now is with genetic algorithms and neural nets
> which I backup periodically. My main security concern is someone just
> maliciously or even just a curiosity seeker getting user access or
> rooting the system and screwing it up in the process because I am lazy
> and don't want to reconfigure my system from scratch. I have been
> watching my logs, using netstat, and using other basic security measures
> and haven't seen any malicious activity that I notice but as I said
> before I am no netwo!  rk security guru. Hell I am not even a network
> guru.

Do what I did when I got Cox HSI server... get a firewall router. I got
one and I can go to sleep knowing that I don't worry about the "crackers"
trying to get into my home network.

I got a NetGear RP114 router and it was VERY easy to get it going. 

Jonathan Claxton                          __  __     ____  ___       ___ ____
jzc@primenet.com                         /__)/__) / / / / /_  /\  / /_    /
                                        /   / \  / / / / /__ /  \/ /___  /