Free Software for m$
Carl Parrish
Mon, 5 Aug 2002 14:36:17 -0400
Other Tasks Need Alternatives For
VCD Making
ICQ/MSN/AIM client
IRC Client (chatzilla maybe?)
Paint Shop Pro (can gimp run w/o cygwin)
chatzilla should work on windows as well (I haven't tested this but it was build with XPcom and XUL just like the rest of mozilla so should - plus I'm pretty sure we have ppl on #mozdev using chatzilla from windoze). Yes there is a Win32 version of gimp (I think you have to install gtk first). I just installed this on my gfs laptop and she likes it. I don't think its as feature rich as the *nix version though (maybe more of an insentive for them to switch).
Carl P.