reportbug for m$

Carl Parrish
Mon, 5 Aug 2002 14:31:06 -0400

Why not just use bugzilla? (part of the mozilla "platform"). 

Carl P. 

From: "der.hans" <>
Date: 2002/08/05 Mon AM 04:03:36 EDT
To: quatsch <>
Subject: reportbug for m$

moin, moin,

if we're gonna be helping people install Free Software on m$, then we should
also have a reportbug mechanism for them.

The reportbug program would let them describe the bug and then send the info
to us ( or wherever it should be going ).

It should have to ability to automagically gather some info about what's on
their box ( program version, lib versions, etc. ), but they should have to
manually trigger that every time. I think they should have to intentionally
turn over information like that.

We should have a mechanism to contact them with updates about the bug report
as it's investigated.

It has to be Free Software. Duh :). It would be good if they don't have to
install a scripting language to make this happen. Python can be compiled.
Does that include libraries? In other words, could we make a statically
linked, pre-compiled, self-contained Python app? Would that be huge?

The app, of course, need to be GUI.


#  Take a razor to your throat
#  and a noose to your neck,
#  then follow that up with a cup of poison.
#  Not a good way to start the day. - der.hans

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