Konqueror & Blackbox?

Matt Alexander plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Sat, 27 Oct 2001 11:38:06 -0700 (PDT)

I'm using Blackbox as my window manager, but I'd like to use the Konqueror
browser from within Blackbox.  I installed Qt and all the KDE 2.2.1 rpms,
but when I run Konq from within Blackbox, I get this startup error:

Could not create view for inode/directory
The diagnostics is:

So then I click the "ok" button and Konq tries forever to list the
contents of my home directory.  I can view websites, but I have to
manually include the http:// otherwise I get a "malformed URL" error.
Also, when I go to "Settings -> Configure Konqueror..." nothing happens.

Any ideas how to fix these issues?