failed prop "standards"

Mon, 15 Oct 2001 05:30:38 +0000

Craig White wrote:
> As someone who owns 2 macintosh computers (long live the cube - I have
> OSX 10.1 on the way - don't ask me why), and has in the past owned 8
> track tapes and a Beta system, I feel inordinately qualified to comment
> here...

Speaking of failed tape standards, one mustnt overlook the recent
RDAT - I came **this close** to buying at DAT deck in 1994. Whew.
Success in the studio, but the f--king music industry succeeded in
denying home consumers their right to private recording successfully
until recently, by keeping costs artificially high.

A few SDAT tape schemes that used standard Type-II cassettes ("chrome"
high bias) to record a carrier signal and compressed digital audio
onto a normal audio tape. Too little, too late - CD Burners were
already under $1000 by then, so all the Early Adopter cash went to
those instead.

jkenner @ mindspring . com__
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