dual-head card?
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 17:43:13 -0700 (MST)
Am 27. Nov, 2001 schwätzte Blake Barnett so:
> I use the G400 at work now, I run it at 1280x1024 and 85hz (although it
> appears that the 2nd head is running at 75hz sometimes, I think it's a
> bug in xinerama or the beta mga hal drivers.)
Info on the xfree86 site said that the second head can't do dri. Might be
other limitations.
It looks like xinerama allows the two displays to run at different color
depths. That might be fun :).
> You can get the matrox G550 now with a lot more features. But it
> requires the latest matrox beta drivers (they have been working fine for
> me.) And also XFree86 4.1.x+ to work. If you got a G550 with more RAM
> on-board you could push it up to 1600x1200 (or higher, you'll have to
> check the specs).
Hmm. That looks interesting.
> I also use the mgapdesk utility, it makes setting up the dual-head a
> no-brainer. You can also change display settings pseudo-on-the-fly (it
> HUPs X).
Ah, I see. You've been holding out on me. apt-get...
I'll see if that helps fix the problems I'm seeing.
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