Would you pay for commercial software for Linux?
Derek Neighbors
Sun, 25 Nov 2001 16:53:09 -0600 (CST)
> Would you pay for commercial software for Linux? Ie: Say, games,
> productivity applications, etc?
No. It defeats teh purpose. Rewaqrding someone for 'license' fees is not
a good thing. However, I have regularly written checks to companies that
produce free software independent of a 'license'. I have for example
bought a redhat boxed set.
I.e. I will pay money for commercial grade 'free software', but i will not
pay money for ANY non-free software.
> > If so, why does it seem that most linux commercial software ventures
> fail?
They dont understand our community. Our community is not about 'leasing
the privelege of using a vendors software'. Until the vendors understand
that they will not make money selling leases to closed software on an
open/free platform.