newbies linux adventure
Curtis Zinzilieta
Tue, 6 Nov 2001 14:54:18 -0700 (MST)
On Fri, 2 Nov 2001, John (EBo) David wrote:
> Nancy Sollars wrote:
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Alan Dayley" <>
> > To: <>
> > Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 6:27 AM
> > Subject: Re: newbies linux adventure
> >
> > Red 7x installers fail often
> and they want us to buy the thing? hmmm I hope someone from RH is paying
> attention...
> EBo --
Yup. I've been busy and am just catching up on all my not-on-fire email
and noticed this.
So, I'll try to answer questions or get problems escalated up the chain to
those who can help. What brought this comment about? I've personally
installed Red Hat on literally dozens of different types of systems
without problems. Can someone (Alan? Nancy?) give me some specifics?
If this doesn't seem appropriate for the list, feel free to email me
Curtis Zinzilieta voice: 928.527.0083
Implementation Engineer mobile: 520.606.5753
Red Hat Professional Services email: personal: