Thu, 08 Mar 2001 08:54:09 -0700
> Macintosh: http://www.cox.com/service/CoxatHome/Setup_MacTCP_OS85.asp
> Some Macintosh operating systems (OS 8.5 & below) do not allow for DHCP
> usage. These users will need to contact our support staff February 3rd,
> 20001 for their newly assigned settings at <<INSERT YOUR TIER 1 TECH
> PHONE # HERE>> or by emailing us at <<INSERT YOUR TIER 1 TECH EMAIL
Try calling Cox and tell them you have MAC OS 8 and need the IP info for
your system. Not exactly truthful, but they havn't left any real
support options.
Digital Wokan wrote:
> I got the enclosed e-mail from Cox@home. Unfortunately every attempt to
> use DHCPCD -h CX######-A eth0 has utterly failed to give me a working
> connection. It comes back with the same address I've had in static
> forever, but it changes the DNS servers. Whether they work or not is
> anybody's guess right now as all I get afterward is "network
> unreachable" trying to even ping my gateway.
> Any clues since we all know @home's attitude toward non-toy OS users?
> -------- Original Message --------
> Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 18:09:37 -0800 (PST)
> From: vsoracle@corp.home.net
> To: wokan@home.com
> Dear Cox @Home customer,
> The Cox @Home Network Team is reconfiguring its network in your area to
> continue (and improve) the performance of the Cox @Home service. Part
> of this upgrade includes balancing network traffic needs and
> consolidating IP address space.
> These changes will occur in the early morning hours (12am to 6am) on or
> about 21 days from now.
> Your computer has been identified as not using the DHCP protocol and
> will not be able to connect after this upgrade. Please make the
> necessary changes listed below to all computers connected to Cox @Home
> to insure that you are not affected by this upgrade. You will receive
> this e-mail for each and every IP/DNS name that is assigned to you but
> not using DHCP.
> Your Computer Name (DNS) is: <DNS>
> If you would like to take advantage of an automated tool, please visit
> http://dhcpconv.home.net/. Before visiting this tool, please print out
> the instructions in this document to assist you if you have any
> questions.
> For instructions on configuring your computer, please choose the
> corresponding link for your operating system:
> Windows 95/98/ME:
> http://www.cox.com/service/CoxatHome/DOCSIS_W9x_DHCP.asp
> Configure DHCP for Win 95/98/ME
> Before beginning, ensure you have your Windows 95/98/ME installation CD
> or
> diskettes.
> Step 1. Click on Start, Click Settings
> Step 2. Click Control Panel
> Step 3. Double-click Network
> Step 4. In Network, click Identification
> Step 5. Verify that you have the correct computer name (above) in
> Computer Name
> Step 6. Click the Configuration tab
> Step 7. Select TCP/IP for the network card
> Step 8. Click Properties
> Step 9. In the IP Address tab, make sure that "Obtain an IP
> address
> Automatically" is selected
> Step 10. Click WINS Configuration Select Disable WINS Resolution
> Step 11. Click the Gateway tab
> Step 12. Remove any numbers in Installed Gateway
> Step 13. Select the DNS Configuration tab
> Step 14. Select Disable DNS
> Step 15. Click OK on TCP/IP properties
> Step 16. Click OK on Network
> Step 17. Your WIN95/98/ME CD may be required
> Step 18. Reboot your computer when prompted.
> Windows NT: http://www.cox.com/service/CoxatHome/DOCSIS_WinNT_DHCP.asp
> Configure DHCP for Windows NT
> Step 1. Go to Start
> Step 2. Click Settings
> Step 3. Click Control Panel
> Step 4. Double-click Network
> Step 5. In Identification, make sure your Computer Name (above) is
> in the Computer Name field. If not, click Change and type your
> Computer Name (above)
> Step 6. Click Protocols
> Step 7. Highlight TCP/IP for your Network card
> Step 8. Click Properties
> Step 9. Select Obtain an IP address from a DHCP Server
> Step 10. Click the DNS tab
> Step 11. Make sure your Host Name is your Computer Name (above)
> Step 12. Click WINS Address
> Step 13. Deselect Enable DNS for Windows Resolution, if selected
> Step 14. Click OK for TCP/IP Properties
> Step 15. Click OK on Network
> Step 16. Restart your computer
> Macintosh: http://www.cox.com/service/CoxatHome/Setup_MacTCP_OS85.asp
> Some Macintosh operating systems (OS 8.5 & below) do not allow for DHCP
> usage. These users will need to contact our support staff February 3rd,
> 20001 for their newly assigned settings at <<INSERT YOUR TIER 1 TECH
> PHONE # HERE>> or by emailing us at <<INSERT YOUR TIER 1 TECH EMAIL
> Configure the TCP/IP Control Panel
> TCP/IP is the connection protocol (or language) used on the Internet. In
> order to
> connect your Macintosh to the Internet through Cox@Home, it is necessary
> to
> configure TCP/IP with some basic information. This is done using the
> Control Panel.
> Step 1. Open the TCP/IP Control Panel. Click on the Apple Menu,
> move
> down to Control Panels and select TCP/IP.
> Step 2. Click on the Edit Menu and select User Mode.
> Step 3. Ensure that Advanced is selected and click the OK button.
> Step 4. From the Connect via menu, select Ethernet. Other valid
> options may
> be Ethernet built-in, Alternate Ethernet, Ethernet
> slot A1, etc.
> For MAC 0S8.5 and newer, select "Using DHCP Server"
> from the Configure menu
> Type the Computer Name (above) in the "DHCP Client ID" field.
> Step 5. Click the Options button to bring up the TCP/IP Options
> window.
> Step 6. Ensure Active is selected and Load only when needed is
> unchecked, then click the OK button.
> Step 7. Close the TCP/IP control panel by clicking the close box
> in the upper
> left corner of the window. When the save dialog
> appears, click the Save button.
> Configuration for connection to the Cox@Home is now complete.
> Network Management Team
> Cox @Home <SYSTEM>
> ________________________________________________
> See http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/navigator-mail.shtml if your mail doesn't post to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail.
> Plug-discuss mailing list - Plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
> http://lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us/mailman/listinfo/plug-discuss
Chris Lewis
Tesla Systems
You want what?? When?? And how cold is it in Hell today?
The following code is a PERL script capable of decoding a CSS (Content
Scrambling System) encrypted DVD in real time. This is illegal to
possess in the US according to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, a
set of laws passed by anonymous vote in congress in 1998. The Motion
Picture Association of America (MPAA) is opposed to the distribution of
this software because it allows the owners of CSS encrypted DVDs to
exercise their long-standing fair use rights with new digital
technologies. For more information, please visit:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# 526-byte qrpff, Keith Winstein and Marc Horowitz
# MPEG 2 PS VOB file on stdin -> descrambled output on stdout
# arguments: title key bytes in least to most-significant order