Routing Question

Furmanek, Greg
Tue, 17 Jul 2001 17:39:51 -0400

I have routing problem.

I would like to solve it the simplest way possible.

Here is the background:

2 Routable IP addresses on the same subnet:

4 machines
1 firewall

1 local subnet

I need for the second IP address to be behind firewall
but still keep the routable IP address.

How can I do it?

               +------------+                             +------------+     |            |  ??????   | Routable   |
---------------+ Firewall   +-----------------------------+            |
               |            |                             | Box        |
               +------+-----+                             +------------+
                      | LOCAL SUBNET
                      |           |
               +------+-----+     |      +------------+
               |            |     |      |            |
               |            |     +------+            |
               |            |     |      |            |
               +------------+     |      +------------+
               |            |
               |            |
               |            |

            Greg Furmanek

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