System Flakyness
Kevin Brown
Wed, 04 Jul 2001 16:45:26 -0700
the flaky machine is running 98, but I have Linux (RH6.2) on my P150. I guess I
could try to make a linux boot floppy to run a program like that from. You
wouldn't happen to have code to do that would you?
> > OK, not totally linux related, but hoping someone might have some suggestions.
> > I have an Athlon 650 running Win98SE (yeah I know, boo, hiss), but I use it for
> > games and such that don't exist for linux (Everquest). My system has been
> > acting up (Blue Screen of Death, etc...) and since these behaviors seem to have
> > become a common occurance (well more often than usual) in recent months I'm
> > beginning to suspect hardware trouble. I was wondering if anyone knew of a
> > utility (windows, dos or linux) that could do things like test my systems memory
> > for errors to see if that is the culprit.
> In the past, to test memory issues, I've written programs that allocate
> objects in a loop (without deallocating, of course), and while they're
> running, I just monitor the memory usage. In doing this, I was able to
> diagnose that one of the memory sticks on my Dell was locking up the
> system consistently at 88megs of RAM usage.
> It works, and if you have a compiler of some type, it's easy enough to
> do.