out of the ashes...
Mon, 29 Jan 2001 22:04:05 -0700
"der.hans" wrote:
> The server is back up, which is why this mail is going out :). DNS,
> however, was just changed and it will take a little while for the change
> to trickle through the Internet, e.g. we gotta wait for the timeouts. I'm
> cheating a little ( I'll leave how as an exercise for the overachievers
> ;-), and can thus post.
Glad to see it wasn't just me (not that I'm glad everyone
else didn't get mail, but...) Anyway, I think I've figured
out The Dark Secret: Microsoft is hosting the P.L.U.G. DNS
servers, right? ;-)
Since I'm here anyway; if'n you're running something older
than Bind 9.0.0 there are allegedly some shiny new holes
waiting to be exploited. So sayeth CERT anyway.
Carpe cerevisiae