GDB and debugging techniques

Lucas Vogel
Wed, 7 Feb 2001 09:33:45 -0800

Try some of the Linux programming books; I have a wrox book that touches on
gdb in a chapter, try to find some books that cover it a little more deeply.

Speaking of debuggers :) , you might want to look at this article on ddd


-----Original Message-----
From: Wacks, David []
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 10:01 AM
To: ''
Subject: GDB and debugging techniques


I am training some new c coders (and other languages) on RH6.2 and FreeBSD.
I use GDB as the primary debugging tool.  Are there better GPL ones out
there (or easier to learn)?

Anyone know of good sites that teach debugging? One problem I am finding is
that coders today do not know how to debug (this is an overgeneralization
but one I stand by :) I say this in the same breath that ASP is MS way of
keeping the VB coders employable. *DUCK*

Anyway,  I am trying to set consistent and thorough debugging methods and
trying to train same.  Anyone know of courses, classes, sites, etc to help?


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