array (hardware) question

Mike Starke
Mon, 5 Feb 2001 09:01:48 -0700 (MST)

I do not profess to know much about scsi
and array's, so I hope this isn't to dumb
of a question:

I just placed a adaptec aaa-131u2 array card
in a box; I also have two 18Gb scsi hard drives 
in it.  I used the adaptec software to configure
a array 1 (mirroring). Right now I am in the process
of formatting the array.

When I boot to my debian cd, shouldn't the os
just 'see' one hard drive (so to speak)?

I did all the above earlier, without formatting the array,
booted to debain cd, and I was faced with both hard drives
(sda & sdb), I began the install, partitioned sda (hoping
this was the 'array'), and began the install. I noticed
that data was only being written to the one drive. I then aborted
the install, went back to the adaptec floppy, rebuilt the array,
and I am now formating.

Guidance anyone?

Phoenix, AZ