What's with the friggin' unsubscribe?
Tue, 21 Aug 2001 18:38:16 -0700 (MST)
Am 21. Aug, 2001 schwäzte Tom Bradford so:
When I see network probs I presume it's on the side with the common
connection. In this case the mail server. So, yes, I agree it's probably on
the server side.
> > You have access to your MTA and its logs, right? Who else that's been
> > unsubbbed recently has that for the unsubbed addies? We might want you to
> > look at your logs to see if you have further info.
> Yes, I do. There's nothing there that would indicate problems on this
What I want to see is if you have logged connection attempts at the time
that the "bounces" occured.
> end. I'm also going to guess that if this actually were the case, the
> two other people who are subscribed to this list from my office would
> have also been unsubscribed.
Yeah, I would expect all three of you to bounce if it were bandwidth. OTOH,
if the "bounce" is due to not being able to get to the domain, then the MTA
wouldn't attempt to deliver to the other addies. I think we need to better
investigate how mailman handles this stuff.
# der.hans@LuftHans.com home.pages.de/~lufthans/ www.DevelopOnline.com
# Magic is science unexplained. - der.hans