Mail trouble
Thu, 2 Aug 2001 18:57:14 -0700 (MST)
Am 01. Aug, 2001 schwäzte Thomas Mondoshawan Tate so:
> Hrm... Maybe not *stupid* per se... I've a feeling most ISPs would rather
> support SSH and SSL on most of the services they provide, but if memory
If they wanted to, they would offer it. Those that do offer it have it as an
upgrade you have to pay for. Not really much extra sys_adm costs to go with
ssl. Presumably it uses more resources, so maybe that's why they don't even
have it avail.
> serves, national law prevents them from doing so (I could be wrong about
> this -- laws regarding cryptography, electronicially transferrable
Nah, that woulda been fine. They couldn't ship out encrypted software, but
could use it. Even if it might have been at limited strength that would be
better than plain text.
> information, and the internet seem to change incredibly quickly, and
> with virtually no notice to voters or the public -- I don't remember
> the voters, nor the general public being informed about the DMCA, do
It seems to me the DMCA got lots of press. Even I knew about it and I ignore
.us news.
> you?). The absolute least thing an ISP would want is someone coming into
> their system using a stolen user password, right?
If so they'd not only offer encrypted connections, they'd require them.
# Magic is science unexplained. - der.hans