Freesco firewall, PPPoE and ssh
Alan Dayley
Wed, 1 Aug 2001 07:24:49 -0700
On Tuesday 31 July 2001 10:08 pm, you wrote:
> says:
> "Freesco does not support PPoE officially but
> the setup files are in
> Just grab all the files there and along with the
> latest .27 version from, one can have
> a diskette router-based PPoE with ipchains,
> masquerade, dial-in ppp server etc. Coyote Linux also
> supports ADSL/PPoE. Just search their docs and forums
> for DSL inquiries."
> So the answer appears to be Yes, but not out of the box.
> > and dynamic IP?
> Yes.
Cool. A little more challange but challange is good.
> You can configure the telnet server so it only appears on your internal
> interface and is blocked from the external interface. No ssh support that
> I know of. What I do when I want to mess with the firewall from outside is
> to ssh to one of the boxes behind my firewall (I configure freesco to let
> ssh through to the web server) and then telnet back to the firewall from
> there.
I simply did not think of that. Going through and then back to the firewall
from the inside. Good.
Thanks for the pointers! I have a project for this weekend.