Storm Linux Install Problems
Blake B.
Sat, 23 Sep 2000 00:25:03 -0700
I'd be willing to bet it's a name resolution issue. Check your resolv.conf
for correct settings, and nsswitch.conf for nis and nispus (if you're not
using them remove them of course.) Also, make sure that the DNS server
you've specified knows who the hell you are. Or setup your own box as the
primary DNS and get your hosts file setup.
I'll gaurantee the sendmail and httpd issues are name resolution, but I've
never had syslogd hang on me for any reason other than invalid whitespace in
the config file. A host.conf with the order set with bind as first in the
search order when the box doesn't run bind is a problem I've seen as well.
* Blake
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 12:05 PM
Subject: RE: Storm Linux Install Problems
> \_ distro I used, imo) It sometimes would hang at syslogd startup (about 5
> \_ then would finally continue, it was only after I moved and have a
> \_ network setup that it started doing that.. or if I didn't have my
> \_ cable
> \_ plugged in to the nic it would hang for a long time, so my GUESS would
> \_ network settings or connectivity. Hope this helps!
> I've run into this, and it's a network misconfig of some sort. Try a
> network reconfigure and restart and that should take care of it.
> sendmail and httpd are also likely to stall out with bad network
> config.
> David
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