Screen Doesn't Clear After Logout

Nathan Saper
Sun, 29 Oct 2000 20:14:19 -0700

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, Oct 29, 2000 at 07:52:08PM -0700, wrote:
> \_ My screen doesn't clear after logging out on a virtual terminal.
> \_ Instead of clearing and then printing the login, it prints the login
> \_ immediately, leaving portions of my session on-screen.
> \_ 
> \_ This wasn't happening until I put the following line in my
> \_ .bash_profile:
> \_ 
> \_ "exec ssh-agent bash"
> So, if you log into multiple virtual terms, you've going to have
> multiple ssh-agents running?  That may be what you intend, but me, one
> would be enough.  :-)

> I've almost hard baked the logic that attaches to a running ssh-agent
> on login, or fires it automatically if it's not around.

I should do something like that, but I'm too damn lazy.

> \_ (without the quotes).  I did this so that I could use ssh-agent
> \_ without having to start it each time.
> \_ 
> \_ How do I fix it so that the screen clears after logout?
> In csh and derivatives, it has support for a .logout that will do
> amusing things.  There is likely a central file under /etc/ someplace
> that controls that.  In bash, ..., dunno.  I don't use bash because I
> got tcsh'd at an impressionable age.  

I have my .bash_logout file set up, but it still doesn't work.

> I really need to switch to bash and debian, but, I'll be weak for a
> bit more.  :-)
> My favorite system wide .logout functionality was wriiten by a guy
> from ASU (Hi, Alex, if you're still in the valley) wherein finer ascii
> art would render a Klingon cruiser decloaking, firing, blamo! 
> Login:
> It took me several probes on the p90 system of the time to actually
> see more than a flash of the warbird and the boom.  Ascii art just
> isn't the same at high speeds.  *sigh*
> David
> off to look for elder Twilight Zone ascii animation....
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Nathan Saper ( |
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