How to collect system information?
Thu, 26 Oct 2000 07:25:29 -0700

\_ questions (browsing
\_ through the CD I installed from would be cheating - Redhat
\_ 6.2, BTW).  Can anyone shed like on determining:

rpm -qa | egrep "your-sw-here"

\_      8.What version is your X-Windows software (e.g. v.
\_ 3.3.6)?


\_      9.What Window manager are you running?

You should know this.

\_      10.What version is your Window manager?

rpm -qa | egrep for #9

\_      11.What desktop manager are you using (if any)?

(none | kde | gnome | home baked | ...)

\_      12.What version is your desktop manager?

rpm -qa | egrep for #9

\_ Suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thx!

xfree86-4, sawfish, 0.32, none, n/a

sawfish rocks.
