understanding kernel log output
Lucas Vogel
Wed, 11 Oct 2000 22:53:51 -0700
Is there any documentation for understanding the output into the services
file in the /var/log directory? I seem to be getting a lot of different
requests for port 0 from all kinds of different ip addresses for some
reason; in the last 5 minutes I have had over 2 dozen ip addresses be
DENY'ed. I get output like this:
Packet log: input DENY eth0 PROTO= L=28 S=0x00
I=55837 F=0x0000 T=104 (#76)
All I seem to understand from this line is someone was denied connecting to
my port 0 from someone's port #8. At first I thought it was a Gnapster
thing(I keep it running at all times) but I actually don't get hit very much
on that...
Lucas Vogel, Software Developer
Exponent Failure Analysis Associates, Inc.