ZOPE, ZEO, Development, and my wonderful adventure...
Sat, 25 Mar 2000 03:52:08 -0700
I just got in from Software Development 2000, a software development
conference in San Jose. It's a pretty big conference, with most of
the heavy hitters of the software development industry giving
classes/etc (ie: Bjarne Stroustrup, Guido Van Rossum, Steve McConnell,
etc) Anyway, The interesting thing is, last year I attended the same
thing, and I remember thinking last year how surprised I was that
there was very little mention of Open Source last year. Well, I'm
pleased to say, they made up for it this year! Major changes since
last year include:
An entire track dedicated to Open Source
Most of the Microsoft Specific track canceled.
Last year Microsoft had a large pavillion in the expo part of the
conference, this year they had no representation whatsoever.
Talks were given by Open Source luminaries like Guido Van Rossum, and
Randall Schwartz.
Python was EVERYWHERE... unbeleivable the attention python is getting
and the good press that's giving Linux and Open Source.
Notable quotes include:
"I am 10 times more productive in Python than Java or C++." - Bruce
Eckel, Author of "Thinking in C", "Thinking in C++", and "Thinking in
Java". (He taught the Java tutorials)
"Goals of the Python Project Include: ... Python world Domination, and
if not that, Linux World Domination" - Guido Van Rossum during his
"If a company doesn't support Linux, I won't use their products." -
Some guy I overheard.
"I've had an epiphany, I've decided to chuck my Java code and go with
the Open Source AOL Server and Open Source Ars Digita software to host
my E-Commerce site" - Joe Nuxoll, co-architect of Borland J Builder.
To say that Open Source has really hit the big leagues is an
understatement. The fact that Linux and Open Source has made such a
great impact on commercial developers means good things for future
software on Linux.
Now, Zope news... A guy from Digital Creations also spoke at the
conference, and that was cool. But it wasn't nearly as cool as the
latest news that I hear Digital Creations will be OPEN SOURCING ZEO!
ZEO is the "Zope Enterprise Option." It's basically, a $16,000 peice
of software which supports load balancing, and a bunch of other
awesome features. This is truly cool for anyone who wants to run a
dynamic content website with python on the back end.
Anyway, just thought you guys would be interested.
"Morality is one thing. Ratings are everything."
- A Network 23 executive on "Max Headroom"