
Kevin Brown kevin_brown@uswest.net
Sat, 18 Mar 2000 21:09:11 -0700

The Cisco DSL router (external 675) needs to be power cycled every so often due
to known memory leak issues.

> The tech at Speedchoice is absolutely right, this has nothing to do with a
> windows mentality.  The modem when it is "rebooted" re-trains itself with
> the network.  Sometime the link get;s shitty when it loses and regains a
> sync with the network; a simple unplug for 30 seconds and a replug clears
> this up, in some cases.  this is a first step in diagnosing the problem.
> Secondly they will often ask you to unplug the power to the amp and then
> replug, similar to the modem reboot.
> Again, this has nothing to do with windows metality, it is a technological
> fact that this solves the problem sometimes.

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