ezmlm & qmail

Mike Starke mgcon@neta.com
Thu, 16 Mar 2000 19:58:15 -0700 (MST)

To put it briefly: I can't seem to get ezmlm to work.

I already had a mail server running qmail, never a problem.

I downloaded, compiled and installed ezmlm. Saw some funny messages
during install, but it appears to have installed correctly.

I'm going from memory here, but I created a list.
ezmlm-make list something_else
The list created just fine, it created everything in my home directory.
.qmail files are all there and the whole bit.
I subscibed myself to the list(manually): no problem.
I do a 'ezmlm-list list' and I'm shown as subscribed.

I understand users can subscribe via email with something like:

I do that, and they just sit there in qmail's queue.

At first I thought it had to do with the path (ezmlm not being in my
path); wel it wasn't, so I changed /etc/profile to add the path to
ezmlm, rebooted and that was dome.

Then I thought maybe it had to do with the fact that I was delivering
mail to /var/spool/user, and I know qmail is found of ~/Mailbox.
So I changed /etc/init.d/qmail, restarted qmail, and now my mail
gets deleivered to ~user/Mailbox

ezmlm still has all those messages set stuck in the queue.

Any tips would be appreciated. Tried to include as much info
as I could.

Phoenix, AZ