OT: Security --> Paranoia
Austin Godber
Sat, 4 Mar 2000 00:34:33 -0700
At the risk of sounding overly critical (which is not my intention), don't
you find it ironic (perhaps it's deliberate??) that you have included your
ICQ# in your sig in an email which discusses Paranoia regarding
corporations? Let me quote a bit from their web page ... "About ICQ"
"ICQ Inc., the successor of Mirabilis Ltd. was created when America Online
acquired all Mirabilis' assets on June 1998."
PS - I just enjoy good irony once and a while.
On Fri, Mar 03, 2000 at 06:17:37PM -0700, Jim W wrote:
> Just after reading the posts about those two machines being rooted, I saw an
> ad for On-Star. Perhaps because I was thinking about the cracks, my mind
> wandered like this...first they put devices in cars so that they can 'help'
> you, even going so far as to know who you are and where you are... next they
> offer to embed these 'devices' in your child, just so that you can be able
> to locate the child should he/she become lost/kidnapped...eventually we live
> in a country where Big Brother knows where every one of its subjects is at
> all times.
> The fact that this device is available from a corporation (GM, to be
> specific) worries me even more. This is supposed to be a government of, by,
> and for the people but it is looking an awful lot like a government of, by,
> and for the corporations lately.
> Jim
> ICQ9460467
> the future is now
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Austin Godber