Thu, 15 Jun 2000 13:13:56 -0700 (MST)
It depends on the cluster, is it a high performance cluster or a
beowulf? or a database cluster? if its running a unix flavor and a
database or something scientific then 100mb is fine, if its running
winblows i wouldnt even bother, but its said that windows uses
fibre "cause it needs to" it all depends ;)
Quoting Joel Dudley <>:
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 13:01:50 -0700
Subject: clustering
I am thinking about a clustering solution here at work and I have
somequestions about hardware. Is 100Mbit Cat5 sufficient for cluster
communication or do I need to go to fibre channel to really see some
benefits. Anyone have experience with this? I am ignorant on the
matter. Thanks.
- joel
----- End of quoted message -----
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