Oops - Re: List problems?
Michael Vanecek
Wed, 26 Jul 2000 10:04:38 -0500
I have over a dozen lists that I keep track of, so sometimes I miss some
messages, like those exposing the Netscape problem with Mailman...
Sorry. I've since made the alterations and hopefully this message will
make it's way through promptly...
BTW - Does Netscape or Mailman know about this and are they going to fix
Michael Vanecek wrote:
> I sent two messages to the list yesterday morning and they still haven't
> appeared. Every time I posted in previous days it took several hours for
> the message to make it's way to the list. What appears to be the
> problem? I went to the archive and the messages aren't there, so I don't
> think it's on my end.
> Mike
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