Intel DSL Modem

Rod Roark
Mon, 17 Jul 2000 20:36:14 -0700

This is a PCI device.  If Intel says it requires MS Windows, I'd
believe them.  Sorry.

However with most DSL signups you can get a free modem with a 1 or 
2 year committment.  Just make sure it's external.


-- Rod

On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> My son gave me a new, in box, Intel PRO/DSL 2100 Modem.  It was part of
> a USWorst DSL package that he signed up for but never installed.  The
> instruction manual states that I must have Win95, Win98, or Win NT.  Is
> this truly a Win-Modem, or can it be used with Linux?  Anyone have any
> experience with one of these?
> Bob Eaton