Package management vs. ./configure
Sat, 8 Jul 2000 18:46:06 -0700

That's almost exactly the boat I was in.

Custom Apache+mod_ssl+PHP3+LDAP+IMAP+PostgreSQL+...+...


* On Sat, Jul 08, 2000 at 01:20:58PM -0700, Rod Roark wrote:
> I agree, package managers are certainly not for the clueless.  The
> problem comes when the available package is broken or obsolete.
> What inpsires me to post this message is a very recent experience with
> the mod_php3 and mod_php3-ldap RPMs that come with Mandrake.  I had to
> uninstall both of these and install PHP3 from source because the
> Mandrake RPMs just didn't work when trying to use LDAP.
> Now of course any RPM I later install that requires PHP will complain
> because its RPM is not installed, and so I'll have to do something
> special about that.
> Note that I'm not gratuitously living on the bleeding edge.  I just
> wanted LDAP to work.
> The moral?  There needs to be a better way.
> -- Rod