ppp 2.3.11 and linux-2.4 pre-test 2

Nick Estes nick@opnix.com
Sat, 8 Jul 2000 00:41:06 -0700 (MST)

> I am having trouble connecting to the web after installing the new kernel 2.4 
> along with ppp 2.3.11.  As soon as it connects at 57600 it drops the line 
> with no error number.  Just simply "exit".
> I went back to my old kernel, left ppp 2.3.11 installed, and tried connecting 
> then.  I can connect successfully.
> I know that ppp 2.3.11 can't be the cause, so it must be something in the 
> driver (or my configuration) for linux-2.4.  I have my kernel configuration 
> for networking options set up like the way I had my older kernel (2.2.16).

The last time I was at the pppd website, they said that the new pppd 2.4
stuff was needed for the newer kernels.  I'm using 2.3.11 with kernel
2.3.99-pre9 and it works, but that may have changed with the 2.4.0-test


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