ppp 2.3.11 and linux-2.4 pre-test 2

Rick Rosinski rick@rickrosinski.com
Sat, 8 Jul 2000 00:35:24 -0700

I am having trouble connecting to the web after installing the new kernel 2.4 
along with ppp 2.3.11.  As soon as it connects at 57600 it drops the line 
with no error number.  Just simply "exit".
I went back to my old kernel, left ppp 2.3.11 installed, and tried connecting 
then.  I can connect successfully.
I know that ppp 2.3.11 can't be the cause, so it must be something in the 
driver (or my configuration) for linux-2.4.  I have my kernel configuration 
for networking options set up like the way I had my older kernel (2.2.16).

I am feeling like a newbie asking so many questions, but this one really has 

Thanks in advance for any response.

Rick Rosinski