[Plug-announce] July Newsletter
Wed, 05 Jul 2000 09:29:02 -0700
Thanks for the newsletter! Could you please let me know the date for the
next STAMMTISCH meeting. Thank you.
Kelly Blasher
e-Business Evangelist
plug-announce-admin@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us wrote:
> The Electronic Newsletter of the Phoenix Linux User Group
> Volume 1
> Issue 8
> July, 2000
> -------------------- PLUG has Moved ----------------------
> The Thursday PLUG meeting for July will again be held at the Sequoia
> Charter School, located at 1460 Horne. Attendance at the June meeting
> was pretty good - a lot of old faces, and a fair share of new ones.
> The PLUG website has a map of the area and a map of the school campus
> so you can't get too lost. If you are going to the July meeting for
> the first time, the best hint I can give you is to look for the
> Sequoia driveway across from the park and just north of the freeway.
> See ya there!
> --------------------- Meeting Info
> -----------------------
> When: Thursday July 13, 2000
> Where: Sequoia Charter School
> Time: 7:00 p.m.
> Topic: Linux and Opnix
> When: Tuesday July 11, 2000
> Where:
> Time:
> Topic: Bringing Nt and Unix Together
> When: Tuesday July
> Where: Bandersnatch
> Time: 7:00ish
> Topic: As usual, no topic, just Linux conversations
> When: Wednesday
> Where: Probably Computing Commons Auditorium
> Time: 6:00 p.m
> Topic:.
> ------------------------------ Happenings------------------------
> The redesign of the PLUG website is ongoing. We have lots of new
> ideas and are incorporating them into the new website. Lots of input
> is coming from the people who have signed up to the WebDev mailing
> list. I guess it is time to ask the rest of you, what do you want to
> see on the PLUG website? If you have an idea or two about what is
> currently missing, or if you see stuff on the current website that is
> of no interest at all, drop me an e-mail.
> As far as the production website goes, I am trying to keep it as
> current as possible. Again, your input is welcome.
> There was not a herd of people jumping up to see if the PLUG members
> were interested in getting some PLUG tshirts printed. I have been in
> contact with a guy who is willing to do the printing and the artwork
> if need be. I dont have any answers to the obvious question - how
> much will they cost - yet. I would like an idea of how many members
> would be interested in buying a PLUG tshirt if we decide to go
> forward.
> ------------------ Calendar of Events ------------------
> July, 2000
> 11 AZSAGE Meeting
> 13 PLUG Meeting: Opnix & Linux
> 18 Linux Stammtisch
> 19 ASULUG Meeting
> 24 AZIPA Meeting
> August, 2000
> 08 AZSAGE: Bringing NT and UNIX Together
> 10 PLUG Meeting
> 15 Linux Stammtisch
> 16 ASULUG Meeting
> 28 AZIPA Meeting
> -------------
> The Addresses
> -------------
> farli@wiredglobal.com
> http://plug.phoenix.az.us
> --
> Jim
> Zope is cool!
> _______________________________________________
> Plug-announce mailing list - Plug-announce@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
> http://lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us/mailman/listinfo/plug-announce
> PLUG Website at http://plug.phoenix.az.us
Plug-announce mailing list - Plug-announce@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
PLUG Website at http://plug.phoenix.az.us