[Plug-announce] July Newsletter

plug-announce@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us plug-announce@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Wed, 5 Jul 2000 08:39:32 -0700


The Electronic Newsletter of the Phoenix Linux User Group

Volume 1
Issue 8
July, 2000

-------------------- PLUG has Moved ----------------------

The Thursday PLUG meeting for July will again be held at the Sequoia
Charter School, located at 1460 Horne.  Attendance at the June meeting
was pretty good - a lot of old faces, and a fair share of new ones.
The PLUG website has a map of the area and a map of the school campus
so you can't get too lost.  If you are going to the July meeting for
the first time, the best hint I can give you is to look for the
Sequoia driveway across from the park and just north of the freeway.
See ya there!

--------------------- Meeting Info

 When: Thursday July 13, 2000
Where: Sequoia Charter School
 Time: 7:00 p.m.
Topic: Linux and Opnix


 When: Tuesday July 11, 2000
Topic: Bringing Nt and Unix Together


 When: Tuesday July
Where: Bandersnatch
 Time: 7:00ish
Topic: As usual, no topic, just Linux conversations


 When: Wednesday
Where: Probably Computing Commons Auditorium
 Time: 6:00 p.m

------------------------------ Happenings------------------------

The redesign of the PLUG website is ongoing.  We have lots of new
ideas and are incorporating them into the new website.  Lots of input
is coming from the people who have signed up to the WebDev mailing
list.  I guess it is time to ask the rest of you, what do you want to
see on the PLUG website?  If you have an idea or two about what is
currently missing, or if you see stuff on the current website that is
of no interest at all, drop me an e-mail.

As far as the production website goes, I am trying to keep it as
current as possible.  Again, your input is welcome.

There was not a herd of people jumping up to see if the PLUG members
were interested in getting some PLUG tshirts printed.  I have been in
contact with a guy who is willing to do the printing and the artwork
if need be.  I dont have any answers to the obvious question - how
much will they cost - yet.  I would like an idea of how many members
would be interested in buying a PLUG tshirt if we decide to go

------------------  Calendar of Events  ------------------ 

July, 2000

11 AZSAGE Meeting
13 PLUG Meeting: Opnix & Linux
18 Linux Stammtisch
19 ASULUG Meeting
24 AZIPA Meeting

August, 2000

08 AZSAGE: Bringing NT and UNIX Together
10 PLUG Meeting
15 Linux Stammtisch
16 ASULUG Meeting
28 AZIPA Meeting

The Addresses



Zope is cool!

Plug-announce mailing list  -  Plug-announce@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
PLUG Website at http://plug.phoenix.az.us