Wanted: old 30-pin SIMM memory modules . . .

Joel Dudley joel@silverw.com
Tue, 22 Feb 2000 20:16:33 -0700

I have some 486 mem but I dont know how big.  If it is what you need you can
have it all.  I'll try to find out the sizes of them.

- Joel
----- Original Message -----
From: Rooster <dwbarker99@earthlink.net>
To: <plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us>
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2000 7:40 PM
Subject: Re: Wanted: old 30-pin SIMM memory modules . . .

> > I've set up an old 486 for a daughter. It has two 4-Mbyte banks of
> > SIMMs, but would run better with more memory. Frys just laughed when I
> went
> > there. Any suggestions as to where I can buy, borrow, beg, or steal some
> > or 16 Mbyte 30-pin SIMMs?
> i've got some. but don't know what sizes they are. also got 4-72pin simms.
> those are 8mb each (kingston). i'm also looking for some old memory. got a
> canon laptop with only 8mb. looking for some fast page mem for it.
> and for anyone interested, i've got an at mid tower with keyboard. power
> supply was replace back in july. kingston ethernet card. 2 ide swap chasis
> and pentium cpu cooler(barely used) if anyone wants to buy or trade. all
> these are parts and not in the case.
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