hmmm ... /dev/cupholder

Ken Bowley
Fri, 8 Dec 2000 10:03:45 -0700 (MST)

On Thu, 7 Dec 2000 wrote:

> wrote:
> > was that the same guy who was using cdrom tray as capholder?
> Are there user-space programs (even SUID 0) that can pull the CD back in? I used to have a lot of fun with the four outputs to the stepper motor used in tracking the old Disk ][ on the Apple ][+ ... totally software swithable (the disk drive was 95% software, including the 6 of 8 (6 of 9 with start bit) encoding)

The 'eject' program can be used to eject and pull the CD back in...  of
course I've recently found out that not all drives support this.  I have a
SCSI CD drive here that will only eject (using software) if there is a CD
already in the drive.

$ eject		# eject the cdrom
$ eject -t	# pull the drive back in